
Project ONE Flyer

Embedding COVID-19 preparedness into local disaster risk reduction

Project ONE Flyer (Bahasa)

Pengintegrasian kesiapsiagaan terhadap COVID-19 ke dalam pengurangan risiko bencana daerah

5th Global Summit of GADRI

Engaging Science with Action was held virtually from 31st August to 1st September 2021.The GADRI 2021 conference aims at stock taking of progress in DRR research from its Members towards targets of the Sendai Science and Technology Roadmap. The programme will communicate academic science across scientific disciplines to policy makers and practitioners. The project has published an e-poster along with an abstract to raise awareness about the project to a wider audience.

Project TWO Flyer

Pandemic preparedness and disaster risk reduction to protect economic assets and people in the 'new normal' for the Greater Bandung Metropolitan area of Indonesia